Caleb Tony
World Class Web Development Portfolio
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Tetris Multiplyer Game
When I started learning JavaScript, I wasn't so sure how I wanted
to use it but didn't want to "follow the crowd" and build
websites, (I'm building websites). So I tried Game Dev. Here is a
multiplier tetris I was able to create thank to YouTube Tutorials.
This game was built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is hosted on
First Portfolio
As I ot better at HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I decided to build a
small portfolio to showcase my work in a manner that seemed cool
(cringe-worthy at best...). Ver proud of it tho, that
text-animation was not easy bro.
This website was built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript with some
JQuery sprinkled on top. It is hosted on Firebase.
Modelling Portfolio
This was a small project I did for this gorgeous girl. She needed a place she could show her work to propects that didn't require her printing PDFs. I think it came out well, if I may. This website was also built with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap and is hosted on firebase
View SiteHope For Communities
Your first paying customer is most probably, someone you know.
Mine was an old friend to my dad. He was in need of a web
developer to build him something small for a idea he was pursing.
Still a working progress.
This website was build with HTML and CSS and is hosted with
About Me
I am a full stack web developer with 2 years of web development
experience. I have specialized MERN stack. This means I create
Front-End Aplications with React js, Back-End Applications with
Express js and uses MongoDB for the database. I am also proficient
in API development and responsive mobile-first web designs.
Even though most of my time is spent lost in front of the computer,
when AFC, I enjoy reading, playing music at way too high levels and
read up on / watching the latest motoring news. He is currently
attending a Software Development Bootcamp at Moringa and just
completed his bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science